MVP Sponsor
Your Donation will sponsor Good Sports Charity!
The MVP: What’s Included
4 Custom Tracksuits, branded with company logos (see requirements)
Logo displayed on one of the following branded event items of your choice: (see requirements)
Bar napkins
Bar Cups
Shot Glasses
Water Bottles
Photo Booth Pictures
Logo on all event marketing materials
6 Entries to giveaway
18in x 24in Sponsor Posters
Individual social media recognition
Personalized slide with logo displayed on video wall throughout event breaks
$500 off your next event booking at Centre Court Productions
For Tracksuits: Sizes, last names & logos are due FEBRUARY 15TH (you are eligible to receive a custom jersey up to March 1st if deadline is missed)
Branded Item: (cups, shots glasses etc.) Logo due FEBRUARY 28TH
Marketing Print Materials: Logo due MARCH 10TH
Digital Marketing Materials: Logo due MARCH 16TH
Email all information to
Thank you for your donation!